
Finch Pellet Food

Finches should be offered a combination of foods to provide balanced nutrition. While commercial seed mixes are convenient, they may contain high fat and nutrient deficient seeds. Pellets are not necessary if a varied diet is provided. However, many breeders still use pellets for the birds they raise. A formulated diet is also available that provides all the necessary vitamins and minerals to ensure healthy molting, singing, and body condition. Pellets In the wild, finches consume a diet of insects, fresh and dried seeds and fruit. Captive finches should be fed a mix of both pellets and seeds to closely ... Read more

Identifying the Signs a Zebra Finch is Dying

Observing your pet bird’s behavior and habits can help you spot signs of sickness. Finches are good at hiding illness, but early detection and veterinary care can increase the likelihood of your bird making a full recovery. Zebra finches are seed-eaters that travel in flocks. Males sing and display courtship dances to woo females. Behavioral Changes Finches are prone to many diseases, and their symptoms often don’t show up until the end. Observing their behavior can help you spot a problem early, and take action quickly. Finches can take a bath and clean themselves if you place a flat container ... Read more

Gouldian Finch Hatchlings

Gouldian finches are a classic polymorphic species. Throughout their range black and red head colour morphs coexist in pairs and breed in the dry season when food is abundant. They are obligate cavity nesters, using holes in trees. They are also migratory, returning to the lowlands after sorghum seed reserves are exhausted. At waterholes they assemble in mixed-species flocks and the least conspicuous birds take the lead. Breeding Gouldian Finches are one of the most difficult finches to breed successfully. They are usually able to produce three to four clutches per season however after their fourth they become less fertile ... Read more

How Long Do Zebra Finches Live in Captivity?

Zebra finches are a popular bird species in the pet trade. They’re colorful birds with distinctive plumage patterns. Males have striped tails, breasts and wings, and orange cheek patches. Females are more uniformly gray. In captivity, zebra finches live an average of seven years. We’ll dive a bit deeper into their longevity, how it compares to other bird breeds, and what we might do to help them lead long, happy lives. Lifespan In the wild, zebra finches can live up to five years. But in captivity, these beautiful birds can double that lifespan. They are monogamous birds and will stay ... Read more

House Finch Symbolism

House finch symbolism is a reminder that there are always good things on the horizon. Their cheerful songs and behaviors make them the perfect representation of joy. When this spirit animal comes into your life, it is a sign that you will enjoy the happy moments and be strong during the difficult ones. The Red House Finch Finches are joyful, upbeat creatures that bring vibrancy and color into people’s lives. They’re also a reminder to find and follow your bliss. Charles Darwin studied finches to develop his idea of natural selection. He found that these birds adapted to their environment ... Read more

Zebra Finch Mutations

Zebra finches are a fun and easy to keep pet bird. They are a very versatile bird that can be bred into a wide variety of mutations. There are many light and dark mutations to choose from. The most common zebra finch mutations are Fawn, Black Cheek, Phaeo and Pied. These are all dilutions of the normal wild type. Black Cheek Black cheek zebra finches look like normal zebra finches with the exception of orange cheek patches that are replaced by black. They also have dark brown stripes of tears on the face. These zebra finches are very attractive and ... Read more

Egg Food For Finches

Whether your baby bird is stressed, molting, nesting or growing, eggs can be an excellent source of protein. Boiled eggs contain all of the necessary vitamins and minerals, including lysine and methionine, needed for feather growth. Homemade egg food can be made with a variety of ingredients. These include finely chopped greens and vegetables, cooked oatmeal, RB soak & serve, multi-grain bread crumbs, handfeeding formula, and dried egg food. Eggs are a good source of protein Finches need a good source of protein, especially during breeding, nesting and molting periods. In addition to a regular diet of seeds, fruits and ... Read more

White Zebra Finches

Zebra finches are popular cage birds that are easy to care for and breed. They do well on standard commercial finch food, but also enjoy sprouted millet that has soaked overnight and is served along with sand and bird grit. A few crushed hard-boiled egg shells are also a nice addition to their diet. They are omnivorous In the wild, zebra finches live in large flocks of up to 100 birds. They are diurnal and social, interacting with other members of their group by songs. They also travel long distances in search of food. They are monogamous and breed at ... Read more

How Long Does a Zebra Finch Live?

Zebra finches are active birds that need plenty of room in their cages to fly around and play. They also need access to clean water and fresh air. They are easy to train and can be taught to land on the finger if handled regularly. These birds can breed at any time of the year, and males can be identified by their black barring across their chest and orange cheek patches. Females are more uniformly grey. Lifespan Zebra finches are monogamous and mate for life. They usually nest in thorny shrubs and trees but may also construct their breeding nests ... Read more

Green Singer Finches

Green singer finches are a lovely addition to any indoor or outdoor aviary collection. They can be housed alone or in a mixed species collection. They are a relatively easy to breed species under the right aviary conditions. They will lay 2-4 pale blue eggs in a cup shaped nest made of grasses, teased short pieces of hessian or coconut fiber and shredded animal hair. Breeding Green singer finches can be a bit tricky to breed. They have a tendency to be aggressive and territorial with other species in an aviary, especially birds that look similar to them. This can ... Read more